Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective
Bringing together a wide variety of different perspectives for the sake of a common goal helps keep people from separating those perspectives as being something in the way of said goal. Hearing the same information from people whose knowledge and ideals match yours doesn't result in much forward progress, but involving many types of people can expand a person's on how they view an issue.
The first example I thought of with people who seem to have nothing in common, but still work for a common goal was the ex-Klan member who works with a "a black lady [he] hated with a purple passion." They held a mutual mistrust but that gave way once their children were harassed for working with someone white/of colour, and ended up becoming close friends and bringing about change.
I don't think I put myself in situations with persons of very different idea or lives very often. More often than not, I think I end up driven into the situations rather than me being the driver so-to-speak. Though it isn't much, I've been trying to talk to people more often so that I may strike up a good relationship with those who aren't so much of a mirror of myself.
"The longer we listen to one another - with real attention - the more commonality we will find in all our lives. That is, if we are careful to exchange with one another life stories and not simply opinions.
-Barbara Deming
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Come Together.....

Obiettivo Comune

Understanding Makes Your Point Of View BETTER!
Then we reach the present where we start to question our own believes. I have personally chosen to be atheis for example because of my own reasons. I came to have my own reasons only because I understood where other people are coming from and used all these point of views to make what i believe to be the most educated decision. We all have to widen our horizons and in order to do this we have to see other point of views which is one of the things that makes this class and experience so special.
Embrace each other's differences
"The more we listen to those whose experiences ane perspectives are unfamiliar, the more we realize what draws us together." I think that what Loeb ment by this statement was that we all need to embrace each other's differences and accept each other for who we are, and, in return, we will learn so much. This quote reminds me of the very common phrase of: "opposites attract."

Because when we meet new people, they may be the complete opposites of us, however, for some reason or another, we become closer to each other. We need to enjoy other's differences and learn from them. If all we did every day was hang out with people who were EXACTLY like us, it would be so boring and we would never learn anything new. Instead, we need to talk to those who have different perspectives than us and who have gone through different experiences and we will learn so much from them!
There are couple stories that grabbed my attention. One was being Julia Devin story, in which her joining an effort brought threat to her actions and jeopardized relationships in order to meet her vision in El Salvador. Her actions inspired people in to not losing hope in the human spirit. As well, as Klansmen C.P. Ellis, by giving him an opportunity he eventually altered his life perception. People that are interested in progressive social change need to explor different issues, ideas, solutions, organizing, methods, challenges and opportunities.
Couple months ago I read a book by Muhammad Yunus a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bangladesh banker and economist. He is the innovator of micro credit, a program that is responsible for improving poverty of millions of individuals. He talks about overcoming others’ initial pessimism about microcredit. He challenges corporations and individuals to become agents of change for a better global economy. He describes strategies for building bridges between business success and social change. One of his accomplishments was partnering up with food processor Danone creating a healthy yogurt that helped malnutrition kids in Bangladesh. Grameen has also launched a number of joint ventures with major corporations one being with Intel in creating information technology for the poor. Lastly he has overcome huge obstacles in his efforts to alleviate poverty in his country. When banks refused to grant loans to the poor for lack of reliable security, Mr Yunus came forward and offered himself as a reliable sponsor. Very soon, he was able to change the pattern of loan grants in his country by introducing quick and easy methods to obtain loans. I believe collaboration between people is essential to the success for resolving social issues in our society. One cannot do with out the other.
Shut up!
It's just terrible what they did to Pluto...it is still a planet to me!
"The more we listen to those who's experiences and perspectives are unfamiliar, the more we realize what draws us together."
This is just such a great idea, in my opinion. It sort of touches on the importance of stories in a previous chapter as well. What this statement says to me is that we can find common ground between us all when we take the time to learn to understand one another. It is a matter of perspective. I see it sort of like this: we are all looking at this strange sculpture at the same time, but from different angles, and in these different angles we see something that is unlike what we can see from any other point of view.
In this metaphor, I suppose the sculpture would be Life and we come to these different angles through the experiences that make us who we are. We are all unique creatures that have lived unique lives granting us our own unique view point, seeing something different in the same sculpture! I know this is a considerably abstract thought here (and Enrique, I'm just certain you've already rolled your eyes more times than I can count) but try to follow me on this. If we learn to understand each other, learn how it is that they have come to look at the sculpture from their angle, then we just might become able to see from their point of view and then we realize that they are seeing the same sculpture that we are! This similarity brings us together and bridges a bond to create a sense of togetherness. To me, this is such an important aspect of life. I feel as though Leob is saying when we learn to appreciate and understand each other's perspectives in life, we grow closer together.
In this chapter, this concept is well exemplified in the story of Ms. Hazel Wolf. I really liked her story; she just seemed so fiery and passionate and lively through the illustrations in her youth or older days! One particular portion of her story talks about how she had brought together environmental groups, church associations and Native American tribes for a conference. (She was 81 at the time, a great reminder that age does not stop us from doing something to make a difference.) After teasing one of the Native Americans a bit, he and Hazel end up becoming close friends and continue to work very well together in the years that followed. This illustrates how these two undoubtedly different people were able to come together in spite of their differences because their shared a common desire, which in this story was to block an oil port off the Washington coast. Very cool.
Having said that Loeb's above concept was so important to me personally, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I place myself in situations where I am around those of different view points on a regular basis. Whether it is in a class, on the light rail or in Hayden library, I tend to at least attempt to strike up conversations with interesting people to try and get a glimpse of the sculpture from their vantage point.
For instance, a couple of weeks ago, I began talking with a gentleman who called himself John on the light rail. He had just said good bye to two men after a conversation about decent homeless shelters that the two men could possibly get to that evening. John told me all about how he was homeless for awhile and learned the insides and outs of living on the streets, knowing where to go for food, water, shelter, drugs and booze as well as other forms of...entertainment. He went on and on until finally I said the most obvious thing I could think of, commenting on how he now looked anything but homeless, let alone a user or a drunk. He then told me about a brief, maybe 5 minute talk with some stranger that smiled in a kind way at him one day, regardless of John's physical state of being that hot summer afternoon; John said he looked "about as nasty as a cracked out, starving swine that was baking under the Phoenix sun, but this fool still shot me a smile. And he meant it." It was incredible hearing about the emotions John felt in the instant that the stranger looked John's way; he told me he felt embarrassed, depressed, selfish, suprised but most of all, he felt angry that any man could be so joyful in life while John, who was going day after day pretending he was happy with his life style that was being lived "in servitude to the almighty powders that be." John told me that he asked the guy how he could be so full of happiness and the man spoke with him, genuinely and straight foward without any fear or lying in him about his life and the decisions he had made. John said that from that day on, his life was changed, because that man had opened John's eyes and taught him how to see life from his perspective. I really cannot describe what an incredible event that conversation with John was to me. I met this kind, well dressed, $200 watch wearing man on the light rail who had lived such a different live than I have lived so far, yet still I found a common grounds, a beginning of camaraderie between myself and John within our twenty minute conversation. It is amazing to me how learning to see the sculpture from other's angles and learning why they see it from that angle really does bring us together.
Oh, and about the title. Totally random, I know. Couldn't really come up with something that encompassed all that I said here. And the following sentence is for those who didn't read my blog, since you'll never know I am talking about you: "How long is it going to take in our society to see a person with an eye patch and not assume that they are a pirate? I just saw a guy with a suit and a breif case, but he had an eye patch so all I saw was 'YARRR!' "
Tyler :]
Put aside your differences!!
Sorry this was so short and sweet...but I'm really in a hurry....but I hope you still enjoy!!
"Our similarities bring us to a common ground; our differences allows us to be fascinated by each other." -Tom Robbins
Someone is always going to disagree, but at the same time there is no one that disagrees with everyone. Finding smaller commonalities may ease more popular differences.
If nothing else, we must agree that:
- We're not always right.
- There may not be one "right" solution to every problem.
- In general, we think/act the way we do because we hope it will help someone (whether it be selfish or not).
there's always a spark that's redeemable
I think life is full of situations where one meets somebody whose ideas and beliefs are the complete opposite. Situations like during physics class where you debate about what formula to use, you think you’re right, your classmate thinks they are right. Who’s wrong, who’s right? The only way is to interact with each other, learn and understand the problem and find the solution. Taking the step forward to deal with people who have a completely different ideal than you might sometimes become overwhelming. However, a simple gesture of understanding and willingness to both share and listen can be the small step taken towards reaching an agreement.
Un Voz
Another possible interpretation: Through listening to unfamiliar perspectives and experiences we find that the people sharing them are not themselves unfamiliar or strange. The common truth of the human experience exists in every story. It is this central element, this basic connection between us, which is a stand-alone benefit of confronting and evaluating the experiences of others. Loeb alluded to this same fact earlier in his book when he discussed the call of stories.
And yet one third thing that occurs to me about this quote: Again something I feel Loeb touched on earlier is the idea that the direct experience described is both the means and the end. That is to say, the very courage, open-mindedness, and common respect that is needed to listen to something aversive or unfamiliar is what draws us together. In being open and willing to listen, we are both learning and learned, accomplishing and accomplished.
A specific story from this chapter comes to mind when looking for an example of “opposites” coming together for positive change. The story was that of the UJO and El Puente activist groups who had a long history of conflict and misunderstanding. However, when a towering incinerator was to be built near their community, they were able to put aside differences and work together in opposing it. Although the book does not elucidate on this fact, I would bet that after the work the two groups had a much better relationship and a better understanding of each other. To get conspiracy-theory for a moment: It is important that those who choose to become socially active and create a positive change in this world remember who the “enemy” is. The “powers that be” would love nothing more than for socially-minded people to get bogged down in battling each other. This leaves much less energy to be directed at “them.” So, while addressing social injustice is a passionate endeavor that inspires us to raise a strong voice, we must be careful not to drown eachother in the din of ever-rising argument. This is why I talk earlier in this post about finding that commonality, of understanding that beneath incidental differences in opinion there is much more that makes us the same than that makes us different.
Being a fairly confident, open-minded person, I put special effort into approaching those who seem to hold radically different views, values, or opinions from my own. I love knowledge, and I firmly believe that for mankind as a species to move forward we must do away with misinformation, assumptions, and false judgment. The best way to do this, as Loeb argues, is by exposure! Get out there, mix it up, speak your mind, listen fully, and never ever be afraid of being wrong! One of my absolute favorite experiences these days is to find out I am really, really wrong about something! It opens up new possibilities, enriches me as a person, and helps eliminate my own misinformation.
Common Ground
A strangley isolated place
For putting myself into a place where I have to participate with people with views and lives very different than my own, the most recent would be this SLICE class. I myself live a very different and somewhat nontraditional life, but I am very fortunate of my upbringing by my parents. I was raised having very independent and very open-minded views. I was also raised in very educational environment. So being who I am and what I think from what I have experienced and what I enjoy in life seems to be, by no understatement, tremendously different from anyone else in the class. I feel sort of out of place, in a way. I like the people in the class and all, but I still feel misunderstood. I always do in public crowds as so. I see reactions of people when I'm just casually talking and making a joke, but it seems like (to me) that my views and humor are a bit unique compared to most. At times I feel like people need to chill out and lighten up. I get uncomfortable when I am relaxed and other people seem tense or uneasy. I try to make others comfortable by showing them that I am relaxed and at ease, but it does not always seem to work out, but whose to expect it to work on everyone?
My father told me one of his fears is being in a room full of people he does not know; but to me I like being anonymous in a room, blending in with the crowd to observe all the others. But when it's crowds like these where there's group interaction, it's pleasing to meet new people and hear and see their views and ideas. I like to hear how others have lived and managed through their lives so far and compare that to my own story.
Educating Ourselves Is A Step Towards Change
"Common Air, Common Ground"
In the story of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, three grougs came together because they realized their families not only shared litteraly the air and the ground, but they shared other similar opinions on various issues as well. Because the members of the UJO, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans all came together, they not only were good role models to their children, but they were protecting the earth they had to share as well. From there, they were able to work together on other issues they shared, all by finding their common ground.
Personally, I love this story and wish I could do it more often. Although I do listen to people who may have different perspectives or views than I do, I sometimes find my self automatically thinking of all the negatives (in my opinion) of their side of the story. It's something I'm working on and I'm sure something many people struggle with. As I'm finding and growing my spiritual self, this struggle is slowing disappearing. Yet, reading this chapter I have found how important it is to have this spiritual self, because without it, "we're left disconnected and mistrusting" (pg. 227). Putting yourself in situations where you may not share similar ideas is often refreshing and hopefully something our society can work towards. By understanding other people, we are likely to solve many problems, but the first step is putting ourselves in an awkward situation. Working towards a goal that is all for the common good.
working together
REACH OUT........
Nothing risked; Nothing gained!
Falling into Things
My second semester schedule didn’t work out and had one opening in it, so literally while sitting in the counselor’s office discussing my schedule, I decided to sign up for Technical Theatre. I loved it! I was building set pieces, painting, playing games, working in teams, working with lighting and sound – everything that I couldn’t do in any of academic classes. It wasn’t long until I joined the stage crew for the musical – once again last minute – and the girl who was supposed to be in charge, ended up passing that job to me, so my first show I was in charge of half the stage. The experience was stressful and chaotic and absolutely amazing. My senior year I practically lived in the theatre and worked on seven shows.
I met so many people with so many backgrounds, yet we were all drawn to the same exact thing. I grew to understand people that I originally thought were strange. It’s one of those things that I will always remember.
This is a very strong statement. It brings me back to the saying, "before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes." Other individuals experiences and perspectives are important to hear out in order to stay true and committed to your own beliefs. They can even help us to grow stronger in what we believe in or help us to see it from a different angel that can change our thoughts completely. "Don't judge a book by it's cover," is also a good example. In my experience, people are all different and unique in their own special ways. However, if you take the time to look deep enough, you are most likely guaranteed to find something the two of you have in common. Even if it's the smallest little thing, there is something to be found.
The first sentence of chapter nine says, "Even when we build on the foundation of our existing values and knowledge, social involvement helps us enter new worlds." This is completely true because taking the time to get involved teaches us life lessons that we could never find somewhere else. We discover new ideas that are so far outside of our comfort zone just because we took the time to see what else is out there. We cannot expand our vision without taking necessary action. The book states that this only happens when we place ourselves in circumstances that require us to view our efforts and ourselves with new eyes. It is important to silence our own voice in order to find those similarities that connect us with others. We have to listen with an open mind and be willing to change. Yes, this is true. You might not always be right! Strive to understand the world outside of your own.
The story that stood out to me was not the Atheist story, but the Common Air, Common Ground story. People of all different cultures, who hadn't agreed in the past, came together for a common cause. The United Jewish Organization and the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans were all very different people. However, they found a passion and even added to their diversity, in order to take a stand for what they believe in. The health of their children was a top priority for each and every one of them. I also really enjoyed the fishermen story incorporated into it. God is good!
School is a perfect place where I am surrounded by people who hold different beliefs than I do. Even though I jump at any chance to share my faith with people (under permitting circumstances) sometimes you have to put your own opinions aside for the good of everyone. There are plenty of occasions when I spend time with people that have very different ideas, however, I have a solid foundation. Therefore, I know right from wrong. I know what I believe in and what goes against my beliefs.
Ray LaMontagne is a great singer...and Toy Story 2 is okay!
Well, in my life, I usually try not to put myself in situations where everyone has different viewpoints. After I read this chapter, however, I see the importance of mixing views and beliefs to be able to reach more people on a common ground, thereby expanding your cause.
Finding Commonality in Difference
As I was growing up I never liked to stay in one spot. I had to constantly be on the move. I did not like just staying in one group because I was always curious about what the other group of people were doing. I would travel from one group to the next. This occurred mostly in elementary school when I had super confidence and athletic ability. At school, it seemed like everyone got along through me. I showed people their commonalities rather than their differences and people got along. I did not ignore the differences instead it was more of knowing and looking past.
I think what Paul Loeb was trying to say with his quote is that communication of experiences promotes understanding when you have an audience that is willing to listen. You kind of have to force people to be open with each other otherwise people will become distant. However, you cannot just throw people with radically different ideas together because some one could get hurt. The environment has to be controlled or in a social level that is non-threatening. The art of rhetoric is very powerful and if by telling your story you cannot effect the world in a good way. Then I suggest that you tell your story, while listening to people that are on the other side. If you do not have a full understanding on an issue than you will be quick to make generalized assumptions and not look at how your decision will effect everyone.
I like how President Lincoln and Obama both tried to surround themselves with people of different view on issues so they can make informed decisions.
Great Change
As for my own life, I am put in similar, but less important, situations everyday at college. In every class there is always someone who has a different view from my own, however, I do not let it bother me or tell them that they are wrong. Everyone has their own opinion, it is theirs not yours. You cannot force people to have the same opinion as you. All you can do is show them the multiple sides of the situation so they can become more educated about the subject, so they are not just biased. Maybe, sometime in the future their opinion might change due to yours side of the situation, and it also may not change. Everyday you will always meet or see people with different opinions and viewpoints than your own, you cannot change them, but you can open them up to all sides.
Pulled Together
I think a great example from the book would be the story called "Common Air, Common Ground." A story in which two groups of people, United Jewish Organization (UJO) and the El Puente, hated each other due to past conflics, came together for the sake of their children's health.
I think I expose myself to people with very different idea and lead different lives from me all the time. Just by going to school, getting a job, and even taking this class exposes me to people of different backgrounds and ideas. I would even say just being in my family exposes me to very different people. Usually people that are related are somewhat alike, that does not seem to the the case when it comes to my family. Each of us has our own perspective in life and on the world but, we have all lived completely differently lives and shared few experiences with each other.
I appreciate it =P
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A strangley isolated place
For putting myself into a place where I have to participate with people with views and lives very different than my own, the most recent would be this SLICE class. I myself live a very different and somewhat nontraditional life, but I am very fortunate of my upbringing by my parents. I was raised having very independent and very open-minded views. I was also raised in very educational environment. So being who I am and what I think from what I have experienced and what I enjoy in life seems to be, by no understatement, tremendously different from anyone else in the class. I feel sort of out of place, in a way. I like the people in the class and all, but I still feel misunderstood. I always do in public crowds as so. I see reactions of people when I'm just casually talking and making a joke, but it seems like (to me) that my views and humor are a bit unique compared to most. At times I feel like people need to chill out and lighten up. I get uncomfortable when I am relaxed and other people seem tense or uneasy. I try to make others comfortable by showing them that I am relaxed and at ease, but it does not always seem to work out, but whose to expect it to work on everyone?
My father told me one of his fears is being in a room full of people he does not know; but to me I like being anonymous in a room, blending in with the crowd to observe all the others. But when it's crowds like these where there's group interaction, it's pleasing to meet new people and hear and see their views and ideas. I like to hear how others have lived and managed through their lives so far and compare that to my own story.
Our Learning Never Stops!
I think what Loeb is saying is that each of us come into a situation looking at it through a different perspective, but that we need to be open to learning from someone that views a situation differently. For example, we might all be coming together to fight toward ending homelessness, but the reasons that each of us are here are all different and all have to do with our own personal experiences and perspectives. That means that one person's personal experiences are unfamiliar to another person, and vice versa. However, this is a good thing because each of us brings different ideas and solutions toward this one common effort, and when we all listen to each other and pull our ideas together great things happen.
I think the example from the book that best fits this is the story about Hazel Wolf, an atheist. She holds a conference of environmental groups, church associations, and Native American tribes. When she first meets one of the Indian leaders, it would seem that they have nothing in common because both of their personal experiences with religion is different, but they instantly become friends. They worked together to block a dangerously sited oil port on the Washington coast, and continued to work together even after that issue.
One particular example I can think of when I put myself in an unfamiliar situation was just today at school. I went to listen to a speaker by the name of Azra Hussein talk about the Islamic culture. This is something that I was very unfamiliar with. She is a Muslim living in America and she was talking about her culture of Islam and her faith of being a Muslim and how they influence her American life. It was a great message, and I learned a lot. She used personal experiences to show the audience her own perspective on the topic, and she also demonstrated the similarities all Americans share by having the unique cultural experience that we do.
Last post before San Diego!
This story in particular reminds me of my first year in SLICE. Last year when I first signed up, I had no real experience with community service, and I had no clue of the problems in the world. This made me feel like I was far dumber and less experienced in the class, and because of it I had a hard time getting to know people. Luckily, during the trip, those who were more experienced stood by my side and helped me learn what they knew. Because of this we were able to have an amazing trip, help people in San Diego, and better ourselves.
In the story I don’t necessarily want to refer to a specific story where people who didn’t have things in common worked together, but more want to state how they did. Hazel was the sweet little old lady that was known for her humor. She would create situations where she could put in her humorous statement, and could even get people from legislation to laugh. People may have been arguing on an issue, or were showing their different points of views on things but when Hazel stepped in with her jokes it caused everyone to laugh, become less tense, and started to help them work together to make that positive change. People have to go into things not just trying to be so serious where they are going to be stubborn about things, but remember that they are doing something or standing up for something that they love so it’s sometimes ok to laugh in those awkward but serious situations.
Critical Cranium Conundrum's
You can give everything you have, and receive nothing in return. The implications of a “just society,” entail that there is a constant flow of give and take. What happens when people get together is the general conflict that ensues. There is almost no way on Earth that two people could share exactly the same accounts and life ideologies of one another. A major step in seeking better alternatives is through these very diverse upbringings. One thing I just commented on recently in my own life however was how alike we all are.
No matter where you grew up, how you chose to live your life, there is a simple commonality to one another. It may be hard to see them at first, but through such a complicated web of choices we, as individuals, make on a daily basis, there is a simple truth to how much alike we all are in the end. I have a friend at work that is 32 years old. He was fourteen years old when I was born, yet we still have stories of our “earlier” years we can share. He grew up in various cities back east, with a strong sense of self and heritage, yet we have little quirks that allow us to communicate effectively. I know that’s a different way to look at it, but even little things like getting along at work depend on this issue.
An example I took from the book is also a little obtuse in its representation, but I felt this excerpt really reached out and commented on this blog question.
“Restorative justice. That’s an extraordinary notion, don’t you think? Fairness plus forgiveness. Moral courage plus mercy. How can we Americans practice restorative justice, reuniting our own profoundly divided nation? Perhaps by letting go of some of our long-drawn-out resentments. By focusing less on the evils of our enemies and more on the works we would like to build—with their cooperation if possible; without it, if necessary. And by remembering that even those whom we mistrust most profoundly are capable of good- perhaps even of radical shifts of heart.”(p240)
Although this isn’t exactly what was asked, I feel it confronts the bigger issue of our close-minded attitudes. We choose to see the bad before the good in people. How can we as a populace flourish with so much malice hiding in the shadows. It is an impossible truth to face and regardless if we fight it, one that will take the willpower of billions to turn it around. No more small scale plans. What can be done to make stuff like this happen?
Words Can't Compete With Actions
The rest of this question nearly sums up my life. I have never once been able to consider myself part of one group. I have been friends with every type of person and have always been open to new situations. I have learned to never turn down a new experience no matter how strange or crazy it may sound. I have done things that most would never imagine doing and I have no trouble relating to any type of person. I have always loved getting involved in things that will allow me to open up and see the world in a different light. This world is too big to not expand and allow yourself to grow through these types of experiences. Don’t let diversity scare you away but rather use it to challenge yourself with a new way of living and understanding.
Differences form bonds
Just recently, I have begun to partake in social groups and activities, and that is helping me to expose myself to a larger scale of diversity among peoples' views. Other than that I see every class or social interaction as a way of learning from others. In a small way, these settings help people to discuss their views, ideals, and perceptions freely. They can become as involved as they want to be or choose not to participate.
Every person that I speak to, no matter where I am, expresses their individualism; they live a certain way that fits their needs to accomodate their ideals. Thus, to answer if there are people that live differently than me or have seperate ideals than thos of my own, yes.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
We must work together to create a just world
What is drawing us together is our dedication and our passion in life. Behind all controversy, we all have the same idea of helping change the world to a way that we see is correct. Even if we do not want to listen to others that have different views than us (sometimes its almost painful to sit and hear) it is important to be exposed to others views in life. To understand why you feel fully passionate for something, I feel you should know the opposing thoughts. This has been hard for me lately because I am finally concluding on my own passions in life and my own opinions (I'm still developing many of them, but some are concrete). It is hard to sometimes listen to others opposing you because I feel like I'm being rejected for my beliefs. But I have to understand that it is important to hear these thoughts of others because maybe I will change my view once more or feel more strongly about mine own. Its important to work with people who you don't agree with because we are all there for a greater result. As Loeb states" we can't create a just world unless we're willing to work at listening to each other"
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Chapter 9: Widening the Circle
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Volutneerism, it's contagious!
Dreams For ...........?
I think though that the Stanford student was not talking about his grandchildren volunteering at the same homeless shelter he did. I think he was focused more on the experience he got from volunteering. He wanted his Grandchildren to share in this same experience. He understood the fact that there will always be some good left to do in the world. Even if it is opening the door for someone else. Or helping the disadvantaged. He hoped they will get to understand the reason for volunteering and get the same experience he got from it.
He knew that it will take a lot more to eradicate homelessness and poverty from the world. I think he used the term "Grandchildren" because he knew it can not overnight. He realised it will take the collective effort of the whole community to cure our society of the disease present in it. He understood that we will need people who will devote their time to helping out and those who will be the voice for those who cannot be heard. Can this be achieved by the time my grandchildren come, unfortunately no but hopefully by the time they come, we will have community will less homelessness and poverty and more crave to get involved and combat those issues.
To Hope For Change Or Make It Happen
The true question is how long are we going to wait and hope to see the change that we truly want to see. Why don't we stop the poverty and discrimination that so many want to see diminished. If every generation says I hope this changes and never really enforce it then wont the world continue to make adjustments, but never change. This kind of goes back to evaluating whether or not you as a person of the community that needs direct satisfaction or you are ok with being in a situation for the long hull. Eventually though the dream that people have announced needs to become reality and by always hoping for the change will not get us to that point. So I see where the gentleman is coming from by hoping that his grandchildren get involved,but I think it would define a generation more if they made the change that is needed permanently so that we could eliminate social issues.
Now I understand that there will always be social classes which may make it very hard to make permanent change but what if today's homeless could become the poor, living pay check to pay check but at least have a roof over their head and food on their tables. That would at least be a positive change. This Standford story defiantly has given an outlook to where our society sits always "hoping" for the best and for change, but eventually we need to make it reality!!!!
the present
I think the lesson from the Stanford student’s story is that people should give a hand to those in need. The story for me is talking about how much he learned about himself and about society during his volunteer work. His story also reflects an aspect of today’s society where people want an immediate reward for their actions. People expect to get six pack abs after one week at the GYM and a paycheck after one day of work, everything needs to be fast. However, life doesn’t work like that; one has to be patient and persistent. Even though sometimes the goal seems to be centuries away, every small step gets you closer and closer to your goal.
Although I always try to be hopeful and optimistic, I don’t think there could ever be a perfect society where homelessness doesn't exist. There will always be injustice and despair. The confrontation between right and wrong, the ying and the yang, the good and the evil is inevitable. But one think I’m sure about is that there will always be people who will try to solve these endless obstacles. I’m pretty sure my grandchildren will face many of today’s obstacles, but hopefully they could go back and learned from today’s successes and mistakes. I’m not saying they’re going to travel back in time, I’m saying that they can learn from our present efforts to eradicate the many obstacles the planet faces today. This is how our present technology, medicine, culture, and life have been created. Today’s culture is not way closer to perfection, but every single act of honestly and selflessness is a step closer to a better society.