Hearing a person's story is important even if we're not victims of social injustice because hearing the story of one individual can open our eyes to the issue as a whole. For example relating back to my group, hearing the story about one homeless youth and learning about what he/she goes through can open our eyes to the issue of homeless youth as a whole. This relates back to what Loeb writes in the book. He says, "That's why learning what it's like for a single child to grow up with inadequate food, education, and medical care, with hopes damped and broken, can help us understand the moral ramifications of allowing this to happen to millions of children every day." It allows us to look past the statistical facts and numbers to see what is really going on with the people directly involved.
I think there are two main stories I would tell people from my life that have had the greatest impact on shaping who I am. My first story would be about my faith, and how I came to follow Jesus. My second story would be about community service, and how I learned what a great impact it can make on my life and the lives of others. I would share with them my experience of when I came to PVCC and got involved with community service here on campus.
I like your picture :) and AMEN to having faith in Jesus. He is the foundation in which we stand.
I am glad to hear that you are already taking things away from our service. I know that if you learned that much from the training alone, then the actual service will truly amaze you!
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