Stories can also explain concepts that could be hard to comprehend. For example, a concept that seems very abstract to me because I have never personally seen or experienced something similar to that magnitude is segregation. Reading different stories of people that lived through it and also listening songs about it not only made me understand in profundity their daily lives but also, it made me become more appreciative of all the hard work of leaders that fought against this injustice. (A song that really helped me understand the life of people during that time is Mountains O’ things of Tracy Chapman)
I remember that when I was child, my classmates and I used to get reading assignments of the great Aesop’s Fables. This fables or stories did teach us different moral and ethical values and I’m glad that I was able to learn from them when little because now as I grow up, I can start using what I have learned in my daily life. If only more people could learn since little to really listen stories, probably we could promote more compassion and solidarity in our society.

1 comment:
I also remember reading Aesop's fables!! =]
your post took me back to my childhood! domo arigato mr. roboto!
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