I have lead an extraordinary life. At a very young age I was forced to face heartbreaking situations that many people dont face in a life time. When I was 6 years old, I remember hearing the yelling from my mother and father. I remember my brother taking me into our bedroom to distract me. I remeber hearing my mom screech in pain as my father hit her. My family suffered emotional and physical abuse from my father for years. My mother didn't want this life for me and my brother, so she sought out help. We were fortunate enough to come into an organization, Homeward Bound, who helps families of domestic violence. This program was the reason I have devoted my life to helping others. I want to reach my hand out to someone in need. Shortly after entering the program, my father who was suffering from bipolar disorder, committed suicide.
I used to hide. I used to be ashamed of my past. I have LEARNED from these instances. I have LEARNED from others on how to cope and deal with them and move on. Instead of hiding from the fear, I have embraced everything life has given me and I am now a better person for it. I know now that the best thing to do is to TEACH others of my story and help them LEARN. Please don't ever settle, there is a whole life out there just waiting for you. You can achieve anything and everything your heart desires. And don't ever let anyone treat you less than royalty. We all deserve it. And know that there is help out there, you just need to be willing to ask for it.
So please dont give me your pity. I say these things only to spread my word and maybe help someone else. Like I said before I am very open about my past, if anyone has any questions/concerns or needs help please dont be afraid to ask.
I never would have guessed that you went through that. I am proud of you for being able to face such a difficult past with your chin held high and a smile on your face. I make a promise right now that from now on I will Live to love, and love to learn, in order to live successfuly
I think it is awesome that you are using your experiences to help others. Most people would want to run from what happened, but I commend you for facing it and using it to better your life.
With your personal story I know you will help a lot of people!
I commend you for the path you have chosen. Stronger individuals may or may not have done as well as you have under the circumstances. The fact that you want others to LEARN from you tells me you are a leader in your own right.
RIGHT ON Jessica! You learned to be a stronger person and persevere. I know there will still be challenges in your life, but because you were faced with so many obstacles in the past and overcame them, you have the will power and knowledge to face and fight them. I love your devotion to helping others! You are truly an inspiration.
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