Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Growing up in a Christian household and a dad as a Pastor, I was always taught the importance of involvement towards my community. My parents came to the United States as refugees and so they saw first hand what it was like to be on the other side of the spectrum. They saw what it was like to go from almost nothing to a house, a car and most importantly a loving family and a caring country with so much FREEDOM. As a child hearing stories from my parents  really helped me understand there is always people in need, there is always something that can be done to better the life of not only myself but my community as well. I could have been the one in their shoes.

Realizing that there is so much I can do is not going to help anyone. It's when I take that first step. I think Lao Tzu, a Taoist philosopher, quoted in Paul Loeb's book Soul Of A Citizen, says it best, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." I think that the SLICE program is that first step from me and I cannot wait to see the outcomes. 

I have good organizational skills which is very helpful for coordinating events such as fundraisers.  Organizing, calling people, booking appointments and such doesn't sound like much of an enjoyable activity but it's my passion and I enjoy it a lot.


of.cedars said...

That is a good story, and similar to ones I've heard before. I always love talking to people who are first or second generation Americans, because they have such insight into the value of what we enjoy in this country- liberty, opportunity, and prosperity. These are things that many of us who have always enjoyed them take for granted. In addition, those I have talked to always have that sense of duty that you speak of here, a gratitude that leads to the desire to give something back.

Thanks for sharing!

Dr. V said...

I'm glad you have the parents who have taught you so many things. My parents were the same but they were fourth generation to US. I'm starting to see a difference in you but I think once the semester progresses, you'll begin to open up more and more. Is this a compound sentence?

Feven Surafel said...

Derick- Thanks for the comment.

Dr. Vaughn- I appreciate the comment.I really am trying to open up and it seems to be getting easier. I am just naturally shy so its been a task.

P.S. I do believe that is a compound sentence because you used a conjunction word after your comma and the comma connects two independent sentences.

I know this only because I was giving my full attention to Dr. Adams on Wednesday!