Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Opening Up

I do not like the phrase “our souls are shrinking”. Whether we stand up for what we believe in or decide not to speak out, it does not mean our souls will shrink or we are less of a person. I feel many people have a basic foundation of what they believe in, but most do not speak up because they do not have all the answers. They are afraid someone might come at them with a question they cannot answer. However, I think the message is for people to not be afraid of getting involved and speaking out even if they do not have all the answers. Furthermore, we do not always have to speak out, we could just help out. I feel the more we get involved and open ourselves to new people and new experiences the more we learn and grow. As stated in the book, “We become human only in the company of other human beings. And this involves both opening our hearts and giving voice to our deepest convictions.” It does not have so much to do with our souls as much as it has to do with us as human beings. Learning about what is going on and getting involved with the community by helping others and standing united can give people a sense of belonging in a world that seems to be so divided. This in itself can be uplifting and enriching.


Enrique Cardon said...

That is very true. I was also a little uneasy with the term "shrinking". But like you said, I think he said it in order to inspire people to make a differnce.

Bow Maker said...

That makes sense, completely agree, but I feel we can argue every day about what should be done or shoudlnt. We still arnt progressing as an intelligent species to overcome adversities and realize our impact in the full scope of things. I think this aspect applies to everyone's opinion of this quote though because its always the transformation of the race rather than an individual imo.

Alexa Yantas said...

"... we do not always have to speak out, we could just help out. I feel the more we get involved and open ourselves to new people and new experiences the more we learn and grow..." I like your insight. We should always try to get involved in our society because we all can contribute positively!

Ana Chandler said...

Your opening opinion is great! You made a very good point about how people feel they can't speak because they do not know all the answers, but honestly we never will. We just have to speak to what we do know and be confident in ourselves. Which will allow people to get more involved and learn abou their passions.

Dr. V said...

I had to think about your comment about our souls shrinking. I don't know if our soul shrinks but I know that when I do make a difference in my community or with a student, my soul expands or grows. I feel bad when I don't do anything but I'm not sure if my soul shrinks. Good thought!